Posted on November 8, 2018November 8, 2018we`ll be further apart as a country: Trump “We’ll Be Further Apart as a Country”: Trump, the Midterm Elections, and Why the Really Crazy Times May Just Be Beginning | The New Yorker
Posted on November 8, 2018Climate change and Alpine resorts Could climate change put Alpine resorts out of business? | Financial Times
Posted on November 6, 2018Klimawandel: Die Sintflut kommt Klimawandel: Die Sintflut kommt | ZEIT ONLINE
Posted on November 2, 2018Soaring Demand for plant based food Newly Released Market Data Shows Soaring Demand for Plant-Based Food – The Good Food Institute
Posted on October 30, 2018Israel land for clean meat How Israel Became The Most Promising Land For Clean Meat
Posted on October 24, 2018Meat-free burgers contain more salt….. Meat-free burgers contain more salt than real burgers, survey shows – CNN
Posted on October 17, 2018Netflix subscriber growth Netflix subscriber growth shoots past estimates | Financial Times
Posted on October 16, 2018Makro: Zinsdifferenz Was die Zinsdifferenz für Anleger bedeutet | Märkte Makro | Finanz und Wirtschaft